Who do I contact if I didn’t receive a Loyalty Reward or Status due to late postings with Cartera?
If you had missing miles from AAdvantage eShopping that posted late and you were refused status or a reward, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject “Dispute with American Airlines & Cartera (AAdvantage eShopping).” You can use the template below.
To whom it may concern,
As you may already know, Cartera takes significant time to investigate missing miles requests for transactions through AAdvantage eShopping. Along with each investigation, Cartera states via e-mail:
“We understand that there might be a concern that the reward for this order will post after your AA deadline to achieve or maintain Status on your American Airlines account. Please note that American Airlines posts rewards to member accounts using the transaction date, so any rewards posting after the deadline with a transaction date on or before the deadline will still be counted towards your Status.”
This wording leads me and many others to believe that even though the AAdvantage program year ends on the last day of February each year, Loyalty Points posted after this date will still count for receiving status and rewards. However, American Airlines Customer Service will not give out exceptions for transactions posted after May 31.
If American Airlines is contracting with Cartera to provide an avenue of earning Loyalty Points but does not honor transactions that post late, then (1) language/terms need to be updated and (2) prevent Cartera from accepting transactions after December 31 to allow adequate time to investigate missing miles requests.
I would appreciate a response on how this will be mediated.
Thank you,